As all of you know, we are a blended family. The current living situation is as follows: I share 50/50 custody with my kids dad so they are back and forth between our houses. (thank God we live close to each other) We also have my step-daughter, Kennedy, that lives here full time and our youngest we see whenever possible. However, my husband currently works in North Carolina and we are all here in Maumelle. When you are growing up you have so many visions of what your life will be like....The perfect husband who loves you all the time no matter what....the 2 beautiful kids (boy and girl) and the beautiful house in the suburbs and maybe even a minivan (you are welcome sis). The husband goes off to work and the mom takes care of the kids, the house, and is great at everything she does. At night after dinner, the family sits around and plays a game or watches TV. This was my vision. I had a HUGE wake up call. I got divorced.......which by the way I was the first one to do in my family. Not a title I longed for. I made a decision up front to get along with my kids dad no matter what, to make the kids happy, that I have accomplished and we work well together. Here comes the part no one prepares you for. You find a great guy. Then what? We all know when you marry, you inherit in-laws, it's a given. However when you re-marry you also gain children and now you have to figure out how to make it all work. NOT EASY. Throw a husband who works out of town in there and, well you get the picture. This has been the most eye opening, learning experience I have ever had, to say the least. When you have children, you look at other kids and think "I would never let my kid do that" or "no one is as great as my kids" and you surely think you would never be able to love a kid that didn't come from you as much as you love your bio children. I have learned to never say never! Now, don't get me wrong, my kids are the greatest, they are the smartest and they are the most beautiful loving kids I've ever laid eyes on. The funny thing is though, I didn't give birth to more than 2 children but I have 3 living with me and I love them all the same and think the same of them as if I had everyone of them since they were born. You don't realize how much you can love and handle until you open your heart and your mind and let it all in. My family unfortunately is more the norm now than not. While I have worried that divorce would scar our children and make them think that was the way out, I've found that as long as they are loved, safe and taken care of, they need nothing else. My family is different and I would not ask for anything else. My kids (bio or not) are the best thing that has happened to me and I think that anyone who has the pleasure of knowing them has been blessed in some way. WOW, I'm not usually sentimental, girly...whatever you wish to call this. I figured this is my blog though and it's for sharing my life and this is what you get! (I only have 2 followers who happen to be my sister and my best friend!) Here is the icing on the cake....not only did I gain a wonderful daughter to add to my life, I gained her father who is absolutely and completely everything a girl could ever hope for. This is also a good understanding of the title of the blog, pruitts-barnetts....we might have different last names floating around here but we are truely, undoubtely a whole family just as much as one that is "normal".
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