So, Friday night was the Upwards basketball league awards ceremony. Claudia is a cheerleader and Ethan has been playing basketball. So at the ceremony the cheerleaders do a dance. Last year they just did a few cheers and that was it. This year Claudia has not wanted me to see what they were doing. I wasn't really that pumped about it, I mean I've seen her do the cheers every week at the games. We get there and they get on stage and the music starts. It's not the regular music that they usually play so I was a little intrigued. About the middle of the song, all the other girls kneel down and Claudia and 4 other girls start doing a dance. I was SPEECH LESS (for about a second.) First of all, I had no idea that Claudia had any sort of rhythm, second of all, she is the shyest child I know and she is shaking her thing for the whole audience. The next thing I know I'm on my feet and yelling at the top of my lungs!! I literally could not stop myself, I was so proud. Well, after the thing I rush up to Claudia and I'm going on and on about how great she was. First thing out of her mouth is "I was looking at you mom, but as soon as I saw you stand up I looked the other way because I knew you were going to embarrass me!" The only thing I have to say is.... go on and get used to it because I can't stop myself. If I would have known what she was going to be doing, it could have been a lot worse. I would have been there right in front of the stage with my video camera. So I tell her to be thankful I was surprised.